Communicate / Collaborate / Contextualize
The most effective managers see their role most and foremost as coaches. They practice and celebrate the three engagement fundamentals – Communication, Collaboration and Contextualization.

A common question we are asked is “Why are our engagement efforts failing or falling short?” Many well intentioned efforts do not directly address the root causes engagement and therefore fail to produce the desired results.
In addition to our partners research, we focus on “Managers As Coaches” in our programs, training and coaching. Coaches deliver both engagement and significant business results.
We believe that coaches exhibit three learned behaviours are learned and not inherent. They communicate, collaborate and contextualize effectively.
Communicate – The “What”
Effective Communication Is Something You Learn, Not Something You’re Born With – Karima Mariama-Arthur, Founder and CEO of WordSmithRapport

COMMON FEEDBACK: “We are a good company but we just don’t communicate effectively.”
Senior leaders are often frustrated when internal communication breaks down leading to costly mistakes or missed opportunity.
We focus on this highly effective, inexpensive and quick remedy to many issues tied to engagement.
We focus our clients on both high level organizational communications such as company meetings, newsletters, updates etc, as well as vital communication among individuals.
Individual communication is often the greatest challenge we hear about. Even the most well intentioned leaders put aside critical communications opportunities when they are most needed, during times of heavy workloads or high stress. Have you ever had your leader cancel weekly one on ones, team meetings or forget to send a critical email during peak busy periods?…….
Based on Gallup’s research, communication is one of the more critical but challenging solutions required on the engagement journey.
Communication initiatives are successful when they are RELIABLE , CONSISTENT and SUSTAINABLE. When applied across the organization and within each team, employees are informed and connected to the organization. Information sharing is critical when asking your team for their commitment and discretionary effort.
Collaborate – The “Who”
Collaboration is not necessarily a “natural” leaning – Adam Richardson – Harvard Business Review
Effective collaboration strategies must be ROLE & GOAL SPECIFIC, CREATIVE, TRUSTING & INCLUSIVE and REWARDING . Effective collaboration has massive positive impact on both engagement scoring and business outcomes.
“If you’re committed, and I’m committed, we’re more likely to work together. Engagement leads to collaboration and collaboration leads to engagement.” – David Youssefnia, Ph.D.
There are ongoing debates around the benefits of collaboration spaces, retreats and working groups.
REMEMBER: Collaboration always starts with people and intent. Space and the work environment supplement the actions taken organically by your team.
We work on the people side of the equation to ensure teams are collaborating effectively to deliver next level engagement and performance.
Contextualize – The “Why”
Even simple context can make communication more personal, more relevant, and more actionable. But unfortunately, too much of workplace communication exists without context. – Redbooth Team

Employees have never been more access to information. Social Platforms, Intranet, and other communication tools share information quickly and effectively like never before.
The pace and pressure of many workplaces often restricts the third and often most important foundational element.
Context or the “why” at the individual or group level is the “secret sauce” that many leaders can miss due to time commitment required.
Team members tell us, “I understand WHAT they are doing it but I don’t understand WHY they are doing it”. This reaction is often shared in relation to new policies, project launches, process changes and new initiatives.
Effective context focuses on CLARITY, SPECIFICITY, and TIMELINESS to ensure maximum impact for the team and individual.
Individuals and teams with a clear understanding of “WHY” have a deeper understanding of their mission and purpose within their organization. Context provides the personalization and relevance required for team members connect to their work and add their discretionary effort as discussed by Forbes on our Home Page.
Leaders who practice C3 -The Engagement Fundamentals will find working with their team easier and their team will experience much greater workplace happiness, satisfaction and engagement.